

冷暖那可休 回頭多少個秋
尋遍了卻偏失去 未盼卻在手
我得到沒有 沒法解釋得失錯漏
一生何求 常判決放棄與擁有
耗盡我這一生 觸不到已跑開
一生何求 迷惘裡永遠看不透

一生何求 曾妥協也試過苦鬥
夢內每點繽紛 一消散那可收
一生何求 誰計較贊美與詛咒


Anonymous said...

In the family has two cats, a male mother. Male calling "meow meow", a year old. Female calling "mew mew", over three years old. One day's, "mew mew" discovered that the son hides secretly in the balcony smokes, made the smog winds around, "mew mew" does not like smelling the smoke taste very much, was angry. It rises with a spring, stretches out the cat fingernail, simply agily asks the price with no intention of buying the son hand's in smoke in the Newport Cigarettes Official Website. "meow meow" follows close on after that rushes pulls randomly treads randomly, smoke immediately "horrible to look at".

The son loved dearly said that 10 dollar Newports foods, then. I said that get what one deserves, the family has "the no-smoking bodyguard", looked that you also dare to pull out. Your small age learned to smoke, the health does not want! Son argument: "I also knew that smokes not well, but others non-for me, therefore" I said: "I knew that therefore you were afterward left, right has drawn up rightly? Finally has become the custom, became addicted rightly Newport Cigarettes? I also knew that from the very beginning you take the pocket money to buy the hard packing, afterward the scale came up, bought the processed foods, right? This may not be good, starting today, you must stop smoking." The son said: "everybody knew that stops smoking difficultly. Some people abstained the innumerable inferior Marlboro Lights

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